What is the Family Group page for the Family Contact

Ivon & Evelyn Huntzinger family

The family group page is a quick and  “social way” to introduce your family to visitors.  “My parents are”, “There are so many kids in this order”, and “Here are brief comments on that. ” Pictures and words. 

Family Tree genealogical details are fascinating but often are too dense, confusing, challenging to navigate, and so forth. Genealogy charts are not always a quick introduction to a family.  Therefore we offer a more informal way — the genealogical detail is always somewhere for those who are interested.

You, as Family Contact, generally decides what is in this page since you provide the pictures, descriptions, and an idea of how to present those.  Arranging, deciding, and providing material on the Family Page is a obvious task for you.  (At present you send the pictures and text to us and we fill in the blanks.  However, if you are comfortable with editing the page we can make you an EDITOR so you can do the work instead of us! — Oh the power to screw things up –)

Some families are easy to describe while others get complex,  Try clearly and simply explaining my Grandfather, Joseph Schutz, with his six consecutive wives — one with several kids from a previous marriage.  Luckily figuring previous generations may be left to the “Ancestors Group”.   Individuals can address how to present their parents, if they wish.

Deciding how to present a quick graphic overview of a particular family may be challenging because families today are often merged groups with varying organization.  We suggest you work on your own family and delegate related individual pages to another contact, someone very close to that related family.   Parents are a good choice since they have opinions and thoughts, they probably have pictures, and it promotes more sharing by spreading out “the load”.

The Ivon & Evelyn Huntzinger group (above) is easy to describe since it is a simple marriage with kids.  Irene Barton’s group is a little more complex with one marriage, divorce, two kids, and then a second marriage with no attached kids.  HGH had a marriage with one son, then a marriage with eight children.  Hubert Gilead Huntzinger had one marriage with three children, another marriage with two children, and a third with no children; the spouses remarried and “step children” connected to this extended group increases.  My own case is a modern example, a marriage and divorce with no children and a life commitment with a divorcee with one child and two grandchildren.  The complexities of describing the possible arrangements is what makes this exciting and challenging.  And this may be more interesting if there was or still is conflict and/or confusion about different events.  How do you explain your extended family  “clearly” to a new friend?  (As builders of this website, we will not decide for you — the content decisions rest with you, the Family Contact.)

Th suggested basic structure follows a guideline of:

  1. name of the group,
  2. a group picture with
  3. description,
  4. the parents with  pictures and
  5. names and
  6. dates and 
  7. description,  then
  8. kids with
  9. picture and
  10. name and
  11. dates and
  12. description leading to their individual pages, and
  13. a  button that links to that page. 


Figuring how to do this is actually rather simple: sit down jotting ideas with a pencil on paper while you pretend you are describing your family to someone.

Robert Huntzinger decided to present the Ivon & Evelyn Huntzinger family with pictures of the children taken when they were growing up; the parent’s pictures are as grandparents (Ivon and Evelyn are deceased so you would not meet them today).  He followed the same idea on his own family page, Robert and ej Huntzinger group — his and ej’s pictures show them as you would meet them today (his teenage picture was “up a page”on his parent’s family page).

How do you send the pictures and details to us so we can put them in your family group? 
It’s rather easy.  Call us (206-356-3649 Ralph Huntzinger) and we’ll talk through the process.  Find the pictures, copy them so you can send them.  Compose the email with details.  Then attach  pictures to the email that has the details and send that to us.  (There is probably a very generic page with a password that you can look at and check the progress.)
As I get an idea of how you would like the page to look, I’ll change the look of the generic page and fill in with what you send me.  Then we’ll talk back and forth so the page looks the way you want — when you agree, we’ll remove the password and publish it.  The way the page looks and what is included on the page is up to the Family Contact!

a simple email link

Share art

We don’t share email addresses outside of “The Directory”

This quick link pulls up a form that at the bottom has a “browse” button which allows you to attach up to five pictures to the message.