

“Cousins” website was created by Ralph Evelyn Huntzinger (“Great Uncle Ralph”, “Magic Uncle Ralph”, etc.) with assistance and council from Robert “Bob” Huntzinger plus advice and information supplied by helpful and opinionated members of the very large “Huntzinger/Sessions/Barnes” family.  It is envisioned to be a social look at people connected and interested in present members of the family and/or their ancestors.  Because it is “social look” genealogists will chuckle and look elsewhere for the important detail they cherish; we encourage looking at that detail and therefore suggest other places where it can be found.

This website is open to the world and all information is available to anyone who visits it.  The “restricted” pages may not be secure.  Therefore the website contains information designed to be shared with “the world”.  Individuals have decided to supply or withhold information about themselves or their families — we respect their decisions.

more pertinent thoughts as they occur —